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Digital Risk & Compliance

Digital transformation creates many opportunities for banks and large financial institutions, but the very same advancements present new challenges/risks as well. Hence, it’s very essential for Banks to have various controls built in place which will flag any risks . The Banks can take preventive actions to avoid the same. Banks should also be on top of various regulatory obligations & compliances.

Coforge is helping its customers across the globe to be compliant with the Regulatory requirements of the country they operate in while building various IT controls to safeguard customers supporting them with our expertise in financial crime management and fraud coverage.

Coforge offers a range of services and solutions in fraud prevention and detection, Intelligent financial crime remediation , KYC and customer due diligence (Screening and AML), Transaction and Payment monitoring, Fraud Management and SAR (suspicious activity reporting), Identity theft prevention and lifecycle management along with required regulatory reporting.

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