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Transforming Mortgage Lending with Salesforce Financial Services Cloud for a Global Bank

Transforming Mortgage Lending with Salesforce Financial Services Cloud for a Global Bank

Business Challenge

Our client faced multiple challenges with an outdated mortgage platform. These included a complex system resistant to digitalisation, limited personalised customer experiences, inefficient loan holiday processing during the pandemic, and inadequate mobile capabilities. Communicating with non-digital customers was also a significant issue.

Coforge Solution

We revamped the mortgage lending platform using Salesforce Financial Services Cloud. This solution automated data entry and document management tasks, reducing the loan origination processing time significantly. It provided real-time visibility to borrowers, loan officers, and underwriters on each loan application's progress. It also facilitated collaboration among loan officers, allowing them to share borrower information, strategize, and resolve issues for a smoother process. Robust analytics and a 360-degree view of borrowers helped identify at-risk customers early in the process to propose tailored repayment plans. The solution featured pre-built reports for regulatory requirements and a customer interaction tracking mechanism for compliance activities.


  • A 45% increase in digital footprint through web and mobile channels.
  • A 25% reduction in call center volumes due to self-service features.
  • A 67% rise in online loan product switches.
  • A 74% increase in automated loan payment setups.
  • An internal bank approval cycle reduced to 48 hours due to streamlined workflows.
  • A 30% reduction in non-performing loans due to quality checks at each step of capturing customer details.

Key Highlights

The transformation enabled by Salesforce Financial Services Cloud integration led to improved efficiency and customer experience. It increased digital engagement, reduced call center volumes, and enhanced loan management.

The solution's robust analytics and early identification of at-risk customers were critical in reducing non-performing loans.


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