Building a Better Sustainable Future Together: Our Commitment to CSR.
We believe that one of the measures of success is the positive impact we have on the communities we serve. We stay committed to using our business as a force for good, empowering our employees, and giving back to society.
With a relentless focus on Education and Environment Sustainability, we have embarked on a journey that has already transformed the lives of over 600,000 beneficiaries. We curate each project to align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including digital literacy training in rural communities, promoting sustainable farming practices in remote areas, fostering environmental sustainability and livelihood generation.
Our goals.

Preserve the environment and shape an environment-conscious community
Foster sustainable rural development
Rejuvenate ecosystems – Aquatic and Terrestrial
Build a circular economy through interventions in waste management
Water conservation through rainwater harvesting and recycling water
Focus on renewable energy resources
Environment & Sustainability

Bridge the gap arising due to inequity in education
Support to marginalized communities get access to holistic, good quality education
Hone digital and life skills to enhance entrepreneurship and employability.
Help students transcend the limits of their socio-economic background and realize their full potential
Make free educational resources available through Coforge Public Libraries
Education & Skill Development

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Our credentials.
Educational sponsorships
Litres water recycled
Kg compost produced
Kgs solid waste treated
Lives impacted through Waste management Interventions.
Saplings to increase green cover
Installed solar streetlights
Social Dashboard

Water Conservation - Recycled/treated water
Pond Rejuvenation at 03 major sites with treated Water, impacting the lives of over 20000 villager

Soil Conservation
Supported farmers to adopt organic farming, saved soil from 13,700 Kgs chemical fertilizer.

Waste management
Awareness campaigns in 165 sectors of Noida on waste management for reducing land pollution.

Afforestation - 02 Biodiversity parks
Planted saplings towards restoring ecological balance, reviving flora & fauna.

Combatting climate change - Renewable energy
Installed solar panels, solar spray pumps, solar streetlights & sponsored smokeless stoves in 06 villages.

Dam construction
Focus on comprehensive village development through improved agricultural practices & promotion of sustainable livelihoods.

Empowering women
Supporting deserving but needy girl students to enable them to continue their education & transform them into self-sufficient & responsible individuals.

Supporting education
Sponsorship of studies, life skills training, computer labs, exposure trips, awareness sessions & many recreational events.

Upliftment of Government Schools
Capacity building of teachers, setting up computer labs, infrastructure for 10 Government primary schools.

Supporting PwD
Sponsoring education and assistive devices for especially abled children and adults.

Equipping Next Generation: Entrepreneurship Development Training
Training marginalized youth & women to start their small-scale businesses and live with dignity.

Nurturing their Future: Supporting Orphan’s Education
Coforge supports orphan children to continue their education & prevent dropouts.

Championing Animal Welfare: Supporting Animal Shelters
Sponsoring food, shelter & medical assistance for stray animals across 03 locations.

Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict
To ensure food for the elephants, reduce human elephant conflict & damage to the lives of villagers & their crops.

Community Service Weekend
The management team along with a few employees volunteered at an NGO, preparing food bags for 350 families in US.

Laptop Donation during Songkran - Thailand
Coforge team members donated laptops and stationary to a local school in Thailand. The children were thrilled with the gifts.

An NGO had organized a concert titled “Musikalye” (Music of the Street) in the Phillipines for the benefit of street children. Coforge donated backpacks, snacks, and art materials to make this a successful event.

Donation Drive
Charity drive in Singapore office where employees got books/clothes/toys for donation. This was done for Salvation Army.

Working towards a greener tomorrow - Plantation Drive at UK
A group of volunteers from Coforge UK cleaned up and conducted a plantation drive.

Water Conservation - Recycled/treated water
Pond Rejuvenation at 03 major sites with treated Water, impacting the lives of over 20000 villager

Soil Conservation
Supported farmers to adopt organic farming, saved soil from 13,700 Kgs chemical fertilizer.

Waste management
Awareness campaigns in 165 sectors of Noida on waste management for reducing land pollution.

Afforestation - 02 Biodiversity parks
Planted saplings towards restoring ecological balance, reviving flora & fauna.

Combatting climate change - Renewable energy
Installed solar panels, solar spray pumps, solar streetlights & sponsored smokeless stoves in 06 villages.

Dam construction
Focus on comprehensive village development through improved agricultural practices & promotion of sustainable livelihoods.

Empowering women
Supporting deserving but needy girl students to enable them to continue their education & transform them into self-sufficient & responsible individuals.

Supporting education
Sponsorship of studies, life skills training, computer labs, exposure trips, awareness sessions & many recreational events.

Upliftment of Government Schools
Capacity building of teachers, setting up computer labs, infrastructure for 10 Government primary schools.

Supporting PwD
Sponsoring education and assistive devices for especially abled children and adults.

Equipping Next Generation: Entrepreneurship Development Training
Training marginalized youth & women to start their small-scale businesses and live with dignity.

Nurturing their Future: Supporting Orphan’s Education
Coforge supports orphan children to continue their education & prevent dropouts.

Championing Animal Welfare: Supporting Animal Shelters
Sponsoring food, shelter & medical assistance for stray animals across 03 locations.

Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict
To ensure food for the elephants, reduce human elephant conflict & damage to the lives of villagers & their crops.

Community Service Weekend
The management team along with a few employees volunteered at an NGO, preparing food bags for 350 families in US.

Laptop Donation during Songkran - Thailand
Coforge team members donated laptops and stationary to a local school in Thailand. The children were thrilled with the gifts.

An NGO had organized a concert titled “Musikalye” (Music of the Street) in the Phillipines for the benefit of street children. Coforge donated backpacks, snacks, and art materials to make this a successful event.

Donation Drive
Charity drive in Singapore office where employees got books/clothes/toys for donation. This was done for Salvation Army.

Working towards a greener tomorrow - Plantation Drive at UK
A group of volunteers from Coforge UK cleaned up and conducted a plantation drive.