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Enterprise Content Management

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is a critical component of modern business operations for enterprises with compliance and regulatory requirements. With the growing volume and complexity of digital content, organizations are struggling to manage, organize, and access the information they need to make informed decisions. ECM development and maintenance services offer businesses a solution to this problem by providing the tools and expertise needed to effectively manage their digital content.

At Coforge, we understand the importance of ECM and are dedicated to providing our clients with the best ECM development and maintenance services available. Our team of certified consultants will work with you to design, develop, and deploy a customized ECM solution that meets your specific needs and requirements.

Service offerings 

Coforge offers a range of advisory, upgrade, training, migration, support, and configuration & integration services to optimize their clients' use of technology.

  • Coforge advisory services include guidance on project scope, budget, and schedule, analyzing current investments, and maximizing the cost of ownership.
  • Upgrade services include modernizing architecture and taking advantage of the latest version's innovations and features.
  • Training services offer business-specific training on product usage and features.
  • Migration services provide expertise in cloud migration and flexible on-site or remote support.
  • Support services include 24/7 support from highly skilled consultants and a predictable monthly cost model.
  • Configuration & integration services include project blueprint preparation, installation and configuration, and integration with other products.

Enterprise Content Management

Coforge ECM solutions accelerators for unified user experience have been transformed with a role-based, business-oriented approach and a widget-based layout that integrates with platforms like SAP, Microsoft Office 365, and Salesforce. ECM customers benefit from proven information governance methodologies from Coforge to control content in regulated environments, protect content, and ensure long-term preservation through either a centralized or federated approach.

Coforge addresses modern-day ECM challenges by leveraging the cloud for agility, innovation, and cost savings. At the same time, Coforge solutions meet the customer's concern for privacy and data protection as identity theft and compliance regulations become increasingly important for business resilience. Cloud solution offers fast access to innovations, automated deployment and updates, a choice of infrastructure, dynamic scaling, and industry-standard cloud-native tools.


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