Coforge | Case Studies | Success Stories

Smart Impact Assessment Tool for a European Investment Bank

Written by Admin | Dec 5, 2022 11:12:01 AM


To Improve Performance & Efficiency through Advanced Al and ML Based Intelligent Variant

Coforge Solution

Developed Smart Impact analysis tool - customized application to automate reconciliation, improve root cause analysis over time with improved issue identification, causality analysis & possible resolution recommendations.


  • The tool has improved the time to production by cutting the reconciliation time by 70% and increased coverage for regression testing
  • Python Based Tool has improved scalability and reduced cycle time RCA is easy and improves issue identification, causality analysis and conclusion with resolution
  • Increased accuracy in issue identification leading to improved IA quality thereby reducing post-production intervention
  • Handling large data sets that can be tested with reduced recon efforts
  • Better recon quality
  • Reduced cycle time to production, and CRs handled.

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