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Application Development on Google Cloud Platform

At Coforge, cloud application development follows the best practices, commonly known as the twelve factors, to make scalable and resilient apps that can be continuously deployed with maximum agility. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) offers a wide range of services that can be used to develop and deploy cloud native applications. Our approach to building cloud-native applications or redesigning existing applications that will run in Google Cloud involves designing, developing, and deploying applications that seamlessly integrate managed services from Google Cloud.

We leverage cloud-native services and technologies for applications developed to run in Google Cloud:

  • Faster innovation – developing smaller, loosely coupled (micro) services autonomously.
  • Lowered Costs - streamlined software delivery process and shared resources to significantly lower operational costs leveraging DevOps, managed services, serverless and containers such as Cloud Functions, Google Kubernetes Engine etc.
  • Lowered Costs - streamlined software delivery process and shared resources to significantly lower operational costs leveraging DevOps, managed services, serverless and containers such as Cloud Functions, Google Kubernetes Engine etc.
  • Higher Availability - autoscaling and self-healing for high availability and reliability.
  • Scalability - employ infrastructure automation, helping to eliminate downtime due to human error leveraging integrated monitoring.
  • Portability - designed to run almost anywhere, without making changes to entire application leveraging support for open source and containerization.
  • Better Security - reduce attack surface area and make it easier to detect and respond to attacks or new vulnerabilities.
  • Improved Compliance – most of the data security controls are implanted at platform level with GCP maintaining compliance with risk management framework.
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