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Mortgage Core platform

Mortgage procedures are often characterized by their labor-intensive and time-consuming nature, resulting in inefficiencies and a subpar user experience. In the dynamic realm of mortgage lending, Core Platforms serve as a gateway to heightened efficiency, precision, and productivity.

We at Coforge have built strategic relationships with top financial institutes and banks in their paperless mortgage transformation journey. We are enabling them with end-to-end automation of mortgage lending process, providing the scalable and powerful digital mortgage platform over the Legacy mainframe system and complex mortgage process, with reduced operating cost.

Our expertise extends to implementing Salesforce Financial Services Cloud for Mortgages and transitioning from a mainframe-based infrastructure to a distributed microservices architecture. Our user interfaces, available on both mobile and web, are built on a micro-frontend architecture, delivering a comprehensive mortgage application and management experience.

Our digital-first approach is bolstered by automated platforms for Intelligent Document Processing, automated quality control, risk management and regulatory compliance and processing support solution. We deliver an improved multi-channel customer experience and operational excellence. Our low-code solutions make the automation of manual paper-based tasks possible, thereby boosting processing efficiency.

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