Coforge | Blogs

AI enables next level of passenger experience with Responsible AI and GenAI

Written by Sudarshan Seshadri | Feb 21, 2024 7:04:47 AM

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across industries, revolutionizing the way we work, communicate, and interact with technology. In the aviation industry, AI has become an indispensable tool, reshaping operations, safety protocols, and passenger experiences.

According to Customer and digital trends shaping the Aviation industry blog One click assistance and 24*7 Virtual Assistance with AI, has been identified as one of the top trends for Aviation industry that will lead the way in elevating customer experience by analyzing vast amounts of data, the AI systems will act as

  • Personalized travel concierge
    GenAI is more than just a travel advisor. It’s a personalized travel companion, designed to understand customer’s unique preferences and create unforgettable experiences. Through engaging conversation, GenAI learns about their interests, budget, past travel experiences, and even real-time factors like weather and traffic. This allows it to make smart recommendations for a perfect trip that aligns with what they desire and ensure a smooth, stress-free journey. But GenAI goes beyond simple recommendations. It proactively identifies and eliminate potential biases in its suggestions. This means that the recommendations are truly personalized and free from any discriminatory influences. This is where Ethical AI or Responsible AI kicks in. Coforge Quasar Responsible AI engine and framework along with GenAI accelerators have been creating a seamless passenger experience.
  • An AI buddy for seamless Airport experience
    AI-powered facial recognition and fingerprint scanning can streamline the check-in and boarding process, reducing wait times and stress for customer The AI buddy can track luggage in real-time, minimize lost or delayed bags, and provide updates to passengers. Personalized wayfinding: AI can also guide passengers through airports using interactive maps and personalized notifications, reducing confusion and frustration. Read Coforge | Blog | Why Airports need a wayfinding solution for passengers to know more.
  • Call Center – FCR Optimization
    AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide real-time assistance (24*7) and support to passengers, improving communication by enabling multi-lingual chatbots to support in various languages and catering to a diverse customer base, improving accessibility throughout their journey as they analyze customer conversations to understand their intent/sentiments and route them to the most suitable agent, suggesting resolution or de-escalation strategies for agents based on the customer's emotions. Thereby, allowing a faster and relevant resolution to the customer.

With over three decades of years of experience in Aviation industry, Coforge witnessed firsthand the evolution of AI from a promising technology to a fundamental pillar of the industry. Ethical AI and GenAI, two distinct but interconnected facets of AI, are playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of Aviation.

Learn more about Coforge industry solutions and offerings addressing key client challenges. Visit: Coforge | Travel, Transportation & Hospitality | Consulting & Technology Services.