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Pega Virtual Lead System Architect

Business Challenges

Code reviews can be manual, time-consuming and prone to human error. What is more, these reviews are often skipped or solely based on a lead system architect’s discretion, creating a mismanagement of expectations and deployment issues.

Solution Overview

Coforge's Virtual Lead System Architect conducts regular reviews of Pega applications remotely, providing real-time suggestions to developers during the implementation cycle. Once set-up, the review process can be initiated as a one-time activity or scheduled to run periodically. A detailed Pega application review document is then generated and sent via email to key stakeholders.

The tool works in three easy steps:

  • Schedule the review
  • Virtual LSA bot examines various aspects of the Pega application (guardrails, security, performance, process flows, application maintainability, connectors etc)
  • Summary of findings are shared, together with best practices and recommendations for each application

Solution Benefits

  • Allows for scheduling of reviews and automated email on completion
  • Graphical representation of areas for review
  • Provides recommendations and best practices
  • Reduces deployment delays
  • Better performing code
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