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Coforge Quasar Predict stands as a forefront accelerator built on open-source principles. It's designed to construct, deploy, and efficiently manage production-ready machine learning models, fostering reliability. This powerful tool bridges the gap between Data Scientists, DevOps, and Machine Learning engineers, facilitating a seamless transition of algorithms to production systems.

Quasar Predict covers the full spectrum of machine learning model lifecycles. This encompasses smooth integration with model creation, orchestration, deployment, and extends to encompass comprehensive governance and metric tracking. Its robust capabilities ensure a cohesive and streamlined journey for models throughout their operational lifecycle.


Industry Applications

Predictive Ancillary Product Offerings
Predictive Ancillary Product Offerings

In the aviation industry, Prediction AI tools strategically aid airlines in navigating intense competition and narrow profit margins. By forecasting passenger preferences and behaviors, these tools refine ancillary revenue approaches, increasing profits through enhanced offerings beyond airfare and cargo charges, thereby enriching the passenger journey.

Predictive Company Outlook using Financial Report
Predictive Company Outlook using Financial Report

In the financial services industry, operations revolve around extensive financial and legal documents like annual reports, contracts, product prospectus, and research reports. Financial sentiments aid in gaining a more precise understanding of industry segments, enriching insights for effective decision-making and strategic planning.

Prescription Analytics for customer issues
Prescription Analytics for customer issues

Within the travel industry, a leading UK-based entity sought to elevate Contact Center operations via automation. Leveraging Predictive AI, it introduced a cohesive agent interface that streamlines tasks, eradicating the necessity for multiple applications. This strategy heightens operational efficiency, trimming Average Handling Time (AHT). Furthermore, AI contributes to email channel optimization, enabling segmentation, categorization, routing, and insights, thereby enhancing customer service quality.

Predictive Money Laundering using customer behavior
Predictive Money Laundering using customer behavior

The surge in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) efforts compared with declining detection rates prompts a need for continuous monitoring of intricate customer behaviors. Beyond transaction rules, traditional clustering, employing KYC data and behavioral patterns, aids in predicting potential money laundering instances. As customers exhibit intricate dynamics, ongoing vigilance becomes essential in identifying anomalous activities.

AI Transforming Processes for Customs through Smart Digitization
AI Transforming Processes for Customs through Smart Digitization

Governments prioritize customs procedures due to their vital trade and national security implications. Yet, manual oversight of these processes can overlook high-risk trade and declaration patterns, endangering both nations and trade systems. AI-driven enhancements offer a proactive solution, supporting risk detection and ensuring more secure and efficient customs operations.

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